Sunday, 27 November 2016

Accentor Basic Facts

Image result for who are the accentors related toThe accentor is a species of bird that has species of itself. The accentor's are part of the only bird family. The accentor's scientific name always starts with Prunella______, depending on the spieces. Here is a couple species of the accentor:
Alpine Accentor- Prunella Collaris, Brown Accentor- Prunella Fulvescens, Dunnock Accentor- Prunella Modularis, Japenese Accentor- Prunella Rubida, and Koslov Accentor- Prunella Koslowi. Accentor's live in mountainous places, like Asia and Europe. They eat seeds and fruit in the winter and eat insects in the summer. It is not related to sparrows but it is related to thrushes and warblers. It weighs 25- 35 g and is 14- 18 cm long. This bird has sharp bills to catch their food. Specific species of the accentor will live higher and some will live lower. For example, the Himalayan accentor, goes 17,000 ft in the air! But all accentor's hibernate on sea level.

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